The internet, if you haven’t heard yet, is a wonderful thing. I get to talk to people who have similar hobbies, and in the case of photography, similar styles and interests. What is even more amazing is that the people I talk to hail from different parts of the globe. It’s insane, in a good way.
Last year, I was lucky enough to talk to Izad (aka theanalogdork), a photographer/lomographer from Singapore. I started a twitter account that I can use to get feeds from hobbyists and photographers alike, and Izad was one of them (we happen to have similar twitter handles). We just happened to be in our own photography journey and we crossed paths, which is always good thing.
Like any lomographers residing in different countries, we decided to do a doubles project. Unfortunately, our first two rolls didn’t work out (with only my photos turning up on one of the rolls). But we never lost hope. 🙂
Izad sent me a small package last time with two pre-exposed rolls of Kodak Elite Chrome, together with some goodies (a set of Lomography buttons and a Polaroid paper frame). The third try was a success! It was an interesting result, with some of the mx images turned out to be complementing each other. My personal favorite was the last photo in this entry, as I’ve always been a fan of night/long exposure shots done on film. I was especially in for a surprise when I saw the last frame, wherein Izad shot a photo of “theanalogdork x theanaloglove” which is appropriate for our project. 🙂
There’s another roll that I need to expose again, and when the weather gets nicer, I’m going out again to shoot.