DECEMBER 12, 2010 – Consider this entry as a thank-you post to friends and to those who visit What if no one’s watching? (whether you’re a new visitor or not!). I may not have bagged the title of Best Photoblog for the second year in a row, but being nominated as a finalist felt awesome.
I think I am the type of photoblogger that does not care much about the technical aspects of photography. I know bits and pieces about it, but at the end of the day I shoot pictures because I want to chronicle my life as I see it at that particular moment. Some people take pictures to exploit (or make use of) the techonology out there. If you ask me, it all boils down to this: I have a bad memory, so I take photos. It’s as simple as that.
I think reaching the Philippine Blog Awards’ finals is good because someone out there (and out there means back in the Philippines) found my photoblog interesting. I think part of publishing online entails not only the freedom to get yourself out there, but also being able to catch your target readers’ attention. All these elements are important. It’s a difficult task, I tell you, but challenging nonetheless.
Thank you for the well-wishes. You deserve a cheesecake for that. 🙂
Also a big shout-out to Lee for reaching the finals too!