MAY 2, 2011 – Happy May everyone! Winnipeg has experienced snowfall again; it was raining yesterday (when I took these shots) and when I woke up today the whole place is just covered with snow.
While I do have today’s snow documented (in film, no less) I’ll post these other two frames I took outside while it was raining.
These were both from Polaroid Supercolor 635 and using PX-600 Grey Frame.
In regards to keeping the films developing nicely, putting them in the pocket does not really work for me as the chemicals do not develop evenly (see above). What I would strongly recommend is to have a small book or notebook with you and as soon as the film comes out of the camera, cover it with your palm, and then put it inside the notebook. That will keep it flat and the developing more even.
Of course, you have to make sure that you have the light/dark button on your camera on the right setting.